ACE Handbook

TVCC conversion of CE/CEU hours to SCH credits C�n�ersi�n �� CE�CEU �c�ntinuing educati�n units� ��urs t� �C� �se�ester credit ��urs� is �n�� a�ai�a��e ��r t��se students seeking �C� credit ��r �EC� ���rk��rce Educati�n C�urse �anua�� c�urses�pr�gra�s� TVCC �i�� ad�ere t� t�e guide�ines set ��rt� �r�� t�e T�EC� �Te�as �ig�er Educati�n C��rdinating ��ard� and t�e ��C�C�C ���ut�ern �ss�ciati�n �� C���eges and �c����s C���issi�n �n C���eges� regarding t�ese c�n�ersi�ns� CEU c�n�ersi�ns �i�� �e �u��� d�cu�ented t� s��� t�at t�e student �as �et t�e sa�e �r si�i�ar ���ecti�es� rig�r� c�urse e�a�uati�n pr�cess and c�urse c��petencies as t��se in t�e e�ui�a�ent credit c�urse� �n additi�n� �acu�t� �ua�i�icati�n standards �ust �e t�e sa�e as t��se re�uired in t�e e�ui�a�ent credit c�urse�s�� �ccess t� t�is p��ic� �i�� �e a�ai�a��e �n�� t� current�� enr���ed students �r t��se app�icants ��r t�e i��ediate�� upc��ing ter� ��� �a�e c��p�eted a�� e�igi�i�it� re�uire�ents �� ad�issi�n t� t�e C���ege and ��� �a�e �et a�i�it� t� �ene�it re�uire�ents� ^ƚĞƉ ϭ͗ Re�uests ��r �C� credit ��r c�ntinuing educati�n �CE� ��urs �r CEU’s �i�� �e �ade t� t�e �i�isi�n C�air �� t�e appr�priate �EC� tec�nica� pr�gra� in ��ic� t�e c�urses reside� ^ƚĞƉ Ϯ͗ T�e �i�isi�n C�air� a��ng �it� t�e instruct�r �� rec�rd �i�� re�ie� t�e CE c�urse t� �atc� c��petencies �it� t�e T�EC� and ��C� standards t�r�ug� t�e use �� t�e CE t� �C� E�a�uati�n ��r�� ^ƚĞƉ ϯ͗ �� t�e �i�isi�n C�air and instruct�r appr��e� �e�s�e su��its t�e appr��ed ��r� t� t�e �ss�ciate Vice �resident ��r ��rk��rce Educati�n ��r re�ie� and appr��a�� ^ƚĞƉ ϰ͗ Up�n appr��a� �� t�e �ss�ciate V� ��r ��rk��rce Educati�n� t�e ��r� is su��itted ��r appr��a� �� t�e Vice �resident �� �nstructi�n� ^ƚĞƉ ϱ͗ Up�n V� �� �nstructi�n appr��a�� �e�s�e su��its t�e ��r� t� t�e Registrar’s ���ice ��r pr�cessing� ^ƚĞƉ ϲ͗ �tudents �ust t�en pa� a �ee per �e�ester Credit ��ur ��C�� ��r t�e c�n�ersi�n� T�e �ee is n�n�re�unda��e� ^ƚĞƉ ϳ͗ T�e Registrar’s ���ice �i�� rec�rd a�arded �C� credits �n t�e student’s ���icia� transcript� ^ƚĞƉ ϴ͗ �tudents denied �C� c�n�ersi�n �a� appea� t�eir case �e��re t�e V� �� �nstructi�n ���se �udg�ent in eac� case �i�� �e �ina�� TVCC conversion of CE/CEU hours to SCH credits C�n�ersi�n �� CE�CEU �c�ntinuing educati�n units� ��urs t� �C� �se�ester credit ��urs� is �n�� a�ai�a��e ��r t��se students seeking �C� credit ��r �EC� ���rk��rce Educati�n C�urse �anua�� c�urses�pr�gra�s� TVCC �i�� ad�ere t� t�e guide�ines set ��rt� �r�� t�e T�EC� �Te�as �ig�er Educati�n C��rdinating ��ard� and t�e ��C�C�C ���ut�ern �ss�ciati�n �� C���eges and �c����s C���issi�n �n C���eges� regarding t�ese c�n�ersi�ns� CEU c�n�ersi�ns �i�� �e �u��� d�cu�ented t� s��� t�at t�e student �as �et t�e sa�e �r si�i�ar ���ecti�es� rig�r� c�urse e�a�uati�n pr�cess and c�urse c��petencies as t��se in t�e e�ui�a�ent credit c�urse� �n additi�n� �acu�t� �ua�i�icati�n standards �ust �e t�e sa�e as t��se re�uired in t�e e�ui�a�ent credit c�urse�s�� �ccess t� t�is p��ic� �i�� �e a�ai�a��e �n�� t� current�� enr���ed students �r t��se app�icants ��r t�e i��ediate�� upc��ing ter� ��� �a�e c��p�eted a�� e�igi�i�it� re�uire�ents �� ad�issi�n t� t�e C���ege and ��� �a�e �et a�i�it� t� �ene�it re�uire�ents� Procedure for Conversion of CE/CEU to SCH Credits ^ƚĞƉ ϭ͗ Re�uests ��r �C� credit ��r c�ntinuing educati�n �CE� ��urs �r CEU’s �i�� �e �ade t� t�e �i�isi�n C�air �� t�e appr�priate �EC� tec�nica� pr�gra� in ��ic� t�e c�urses reside� ^ƚĞƉ Ϯ͗ T�e �i�isi�n C�air� a��ng �it� t�e instruct�r �� rec�rd �i�� re�ie� t�e CE c�urse t� �atc� c��petencies �it� t�e T�EC� and ��C� standards t�r�ug� t�e use �� t�e CE t� �C� E�a�uati�n ��r�� ^ƚĞƉ ϯ͗ �� t�e �i�isi�n C�air and instruct�r appr��e� �e�s�e su��its t�e appr��ed ��r� t� t�e �ss�ciate Vice �resident ��r ��rk��rce Educati�n ��r re�ie� and appr��a�� ^ƚĞƉ ϰ͗ Up�n appr��a� �� t�e �ss�ciate V� ��r ��rk��rce Educati�n� t�e ��r� is su��itted ��r appr��a� �� t�e Vice �resident �� �nstructi�n� ^ƚĞƉ ϱ͗ Up�n V� �� �nstructi�n appr��a�� �e�s�e su��its t�e ��r� t� t�e Registrar’s ���ice ��r pr�cessing� ^ƚĞƉ ϲ͗ �tudents �ust t�en pa� a �ee per �e�ester Credit ��ur ��C�� ��r t�e c�n�ersi�n� T�e �ee is n�n�re�unda��e� ^ƚĞƉ ϳ͗ T�e Registrar’s ���ice �i�� rec�rd a�arded �C� credits �n t�e student’s ���icia� transcript� ^ƚĞƉ ϴ͗ �tudents denied �C� c�n�ersi�n �a� appea� t�eir case �e��re t�e V� �� �nstructi�n ���se �udg�ent in eac� case �i�� �e �ina�� Procedure for Conversion of CE/CEU to SCH Credits

Syllabus � s���a�us �a� �e pr��ided �� t�e instruct�r� Auditing a Course Learning for Living Academy (LLA) What do I need to know? Syllabus � s���a�us �a� �e pr��ided �� t�e instruct�r� Auditing a Course Learning for Living Academy (LLA) What do I need to know? • �uditing a c�urse a����s a student t� take a c�urse �it��ut �ene�it �� a grade �r credit ��r a c�urse� � student ��� audits a c�urse d�es s� ��r t�e s��e purp�ses �� se��� enric��ent and acade�ic e�p��rati�n� • �udit c�urses carr� n� acade�ic� credit �r n�n�credit �a�ue� d� n�t �u��i�� degree re�uire�ents� and are n�t e�igi��e ��r articu�ati�n at a �ater date� • �er�issi�n t� audit a c�urse entit�es t�e student t� attend c�ass� �tudents d� n�t �and in assign�ents� take part in discussi�ns� �r recei�e e�a�uati�ns� • �udit�rs are per�itted �n�� ��en space is a�ai�a��e� �n instruct�r �r direct�r �a� re�use an� re�uest t� audit a c�urse� • �tudents �ust a�ide �� a�� ru�es as pu��is�ed in t�e TVCC cata��g� ��r in��r�ati�n a��ut auditing a c�ass� p�ease c�ntact TVCC’s �du�t � C�ntinuing Educati�n ��CE� depart�ent eit�er �� e�ai� C�ntEd�t�cc�edu �r �� p��ne ������������� Course Grades, Attendance, and Transcript Access ��� �CE c�asses �i�� �e graded �n a pass��ai� �asis� T�ere��re� �n�� a � �r � �i�� s��� �n t�e student’s n�n� credit transcript� �� students are auditing a c�ass� n� grade �i�� �e gi�en and t�e� �i�� �a�e an �U �n t�eir transcript indicating t�at t�e c�urse �as audited� ��r attendance p��ic�� c�ick �n t�e �ink� �ttps�������t�cc�edu�C�ntinuing�Educati�n�artic�e�asp��a������������d���� TVCC uses �arc��ent t� send student transcripts� Transcripts �a� �e sent e�ectr�nica���� at n� c�st� �r �� �ai� ��r a �ee� T� re�uest an ���icia� transcript �r�� TVCC ������ t�ese steps� �� �a�igate t� ����t�cc�edu �� �r�� t�e ���e page� ���er ��ur ��use ��er t�e “Quick Links” ta� near t�e t�p rig�t c�rner �� �e�ect “Grades and Transcripts” �r�� t�e dr�p�d��n �enu • �uditing a c�urse a����s a student t� take a c�urse �it��ut �ene�it �� a grade �r credit ��r a c�urse� � student ��� audits a c�urse d�es s� ��r t�e s��e purp�ses �� se��� enric��ent and acade�ic e�p��rati�n� • �udit c�urses carr� n� acade�ic� credit �r n�n�credit �a�ue� d� n�t �u��i�� degree re�uire�ents� and are n�t e�igi��e ��r articu�ati�n at a �ater date� • �er�issi�n t� audit a c�urse entit�es t�e student t� attend c�ass� �tudents d� n�t �and in assign�ents� take part in discussi�ns� �r recei�e e�a�uati�ns� • �udit�rs are per�itted �n�� ��en space is a�ai�a��e� �n instruct�r �r direct�r �a� re�use an� re�uest t� audit a c�urse� • �tudents �ust a�ide �� a�� ru�es as pu��is�ed in t�e TVCC cata��g� ��r in��r�ati�n a��ut auditing a c�ass� p�ease c�ntact TVCC’s �du�t � C�ntinuing Educati�n ��CE� depart�ent eit�er �� e�ai� C�ntEd�t�cc�edu �r �� p��ne ������������� Course Grades, Attendance, and Transcript Access ��� �CE c�asses �i�� �e graded �n a pass��ai� �asis� T�ere��re� �n�� a � �r � �i�� s��� �n t�e student’s n�n� credit transcript� �� students are auditing a c�ass� n� grade �i�� �e gi�en and t�e� �i�� �a�e an �U �n t�eir transcript indicating t�at t�e c�urse �as audited� ��r attendance p��ic�� c�ick �n t�e �ink� �ttps�������t�cc�edu�C�ntinuing�Educati�n�artic�e�asp��a������������d���� TVCC uses �arc��ent t� send student transcripts� Transcripts �a� �e sent e�ectr�nica���� at n� c�st� �r �� �ai� ��r a �ee� T� re�uest an ���icia� transcript �r�� TVCC ������ t�ese steps� �� �a�igate t� ����t�cc�edu �� �r�� t�e ���e page� ���er ��ur ��use ��er t�e “Quick Links” ta� near t�e t�p rig�t c�rner �� �e�ect “Grades and Transcripts” �r�� t�e dr�p�d��n �enu

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